DL-44: In Pursuit of the Perfect Replica
DL-44: In Pursuit of the Perfect Replica
DL-44: In Pursuit of the Perfect Replica is a non-fiction account that follows an international community of enthusiasts as they endeavor to create the first fully screen-accurate replica of the DL-44 Blaster, the weapon wielded by Han Solo in the 1977 film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
The screen-used prop, a frankenstein of antique weaponry components and plastic miscellany, has been lost to time. Evidence of the object’s construction, contours, and dimensions exists only in rare on-set snapshots, film stills, and industry lore. For a group of Star Wars enthusiasts, the quest to recreate the DL-44 prop has amounted to a multi-decade forensic-style investigation. It is a story characterized by obsession and dogged persistence and punctuated with moments of euphoric revelation.
The book is published by Third Object in a first edition of 100. It is designed by Hour Studio and includes illustrations by Richard Blackwell.